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Accelerating Team Effectiveness

We worked with a BioTech Multinational Manufacturing organisation to ensure the newly formed Contract Manufacturing pilot team operated as a vibrant, inclusive business unit team rather than from an individual, siloed functional perspective. The organisation required the team to operate across functions, in an inclusive manner, leveraging support while integrating activities to deliver reliable, high-quality biotech products.

Sometimes team development may happen organically, but where teams need to come together for a specific purpose where time is of the essence, the use of smart tools and experiential interventions can accelerate team understanding of core purpose, minimising power struggles, decision strangulation and the escalation of problems.

Our approach followed a three-step programme which focused on the outcomes of the following questions:

  1. Team Analysis – Where does the team stand now? Data and insight gathering. Focus on team understanding its purpose, context, deliverables and who is in the team.  Learning about individual styles, strengths, preferences and different cultural expectations.
  2. Team Effectiveness – What does this team need to do to function at its best? Team self-assessing their qualities and shortcomings.  Agreeing on team culture and non-negotiable behaviours for operating in the matrix.  Agreeing communications and decision-making structures.
  3. Team Support – What supports and specific training do the team need to win? They contracted with their functional and senior leaders on support needed.  Individual and group coaching supported their ongoing drive to succeed.  Supplemented by specific training in topics such as ‘Crucial Conversations’, ‘Leading through Change’, ‘Impactful Communications’.

Based on the outcomes, we implemented practical tools, techniques and strategies to improve personal and team productivity, performance, cohesion and alignment to achieve results.

The programme was such a success that it was extended across the manufacturing sites in Ireland and USA. CareerVision have now delivered 40+ Team Development workshops, with over 200 participants in Ireland and the USA.

“The workshop really helps to bring different personalities and energies to the surface and discuss them openly in a safe environment. Everyone leaves with their own learnings, which is great to build upon.”


Let’s Talk. We’re Listening.

Let’s discuss how we can help you and your teams respond to change and unlock their true potential.

+353 87 060 6849
Rockbarton, Bruff, Kilmallock,
Co. Limerick, Ireland

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